In the post-Homeland world, Kathryn Bigelow’s Oscar-winning War-on-Terror treatise suffers somewhat from being rooted in that boring old place, reality. As ultra-motivated yet conflicted Carrie, sorry Maya (Jessica Chastain), searches desperately for terror leader Abu Nazir, sorry Osama Bin Laden, the excitement is reduced by the fact we know perfectly well how this story pans out: a raid, a brief shootout and the cold corpse of a dangerous man being “buried at sea”. Along the way, there’s a lot of “enhanced interrogation” (torturing people), but ZDT is nowhere near deep enough a film to make that feel like anything more than an incidentaldetail. However, as always with Bigelow, the action scenes and the everyday details of people doing extraordinary jobs, from Navy SEALs to CIA interrogators, do ring absolutely true.
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